Welcome to Perry

Perry Seymour formally joined Framework at the end of 2020. He has brought new energy and experience that we have already begun to benefit and learn from and we’re very glad to welcome him! Perry has deep experience of designing and managing learning programmes with a strategic approach. He focusses on the learners. Jane Davies, who has worked with him regularly over many years says: “He stands up for learners and helps organisations to identify what learners really need and what’s important to them”. This drive for real change through truly understanding the needs of the people and organisations that he supports aligns perfectly with our Framework ethos and we really look forward to how this will make our collective values even stronger.
Perry is very committed to his own personal learning journey. We’ve been enjoying Perry trying out various new ideas with us in our development days and retreats (all online of course this year). He brings fun and clarity of thought to our work together, which is a great combination!