The Play Ethic

What would it mean to have a play ethic? It’s not the opposite of a work ethic – you can have both at once. But you can’t be depressed and feel like playing, so researcher Stuart Brown says it’s the
What would it mean to have a play ethic? It’s not the opposite of a work ethic – you can have both at once. But you can’t be depressed and feel like playing, so researcher Stuart Brown says it’s the
There are still spaces available on ICA:UK’s Group Facilitation Methods training in Manchester on 17th -18th November, with Orla as the trainer. Booking link here
Organisational development practice is always evolving and in my view one of the most interesting recent developments in the field has been the evolution of dialogic OD (in contrast to the more conventional diagnostic approach). The main champions of the dialogic approach
I’m really looking forward to facilitating INTRAC‘s annual five-day course on Organisational Development again in May of this year. I can hardly believe that this will be the fifteenth time I have facilitated this event! The course evolves every year
At this time of year the media are full of reflections on 2015 and articles looking forward to the New Year. Not to be outdone, I asked my Framework colleagues to share two of their highlights from 2015 and one
One of my intentions this year is to pay much greater attention to “connection”, one of our Framework values. Part of that is taking part in conversations happening both in my areas of expertise, and in the broader world of
We are now working ‘virtually’ so much that it seems worthwhile to step back for a moment and consider what we are losing and gaining in this, and what we can do to improve it. Individually, as a collective
From time to time a piece of work comes along that allows me to pull together my thinking on a subject that really interests me. I’m fortunate to have that experience right now. Oxfam Novib have commissioned me to
I’m sure many of you are seeing your newsfeeds full of discussion about what is happening in Ukraine, and how best to help. That desire to help is a basic human instinct, and the reason why many of our current