I was asked recently to run a workshop on self-assessment for members of the Humanitarian Centre in Cambridge. It was a great opportunity to re-think how self assessment works for smaller groups. Most (though not all) of the members are
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I was lucky enough to take part in a mediation training course for primary school children last week. Over three days, a group of 12 children learnt how to resolve disputes between other pupils – not through arbitration or judging
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I have just finished the facilitation of INTRAC’s 5-day course on Advanced Partner Capacity Building, and, as always, I found it a very stimulating experience. The focus is on a values-based framework for the design and implementation of capacity building
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I have just started as a ‘test-pilot’ for Edinburgh University’s exciting new online course entitled ‘Global Environmental Challenges’. Already I’m learning a lot about how to set up a small online community and make it vibrant (encourage people to connect
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I’m currently working with Oxfam Novib on their approach to innovation. It’s fascinating examining the overlaps and interconnections between innovation, knowledge management and organisational learning. As a result of the research I am doing, I’m clearer now that there are
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If you’re interested in helping organisations to sharpen how they put their values into practice, there’s a new report out called To practice what we preach: A survey of organisational values in charities. Published by the Centre for Charity Effectiveness
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The county of Norfolk is aiming to be a fully restorative county within a few years. In January I delivered two trainings in Restorative Approaches for the Norfolk County Council. These were the first of what will be many series
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It’s been both enlightening and frustrating reading this book – the unlikely winner of the Financial Times/Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year award in 2011. The starting point is that policies to help the poor need to be based
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I have just finished reading Walter Isaacson’s incisive biography of Steve Jobs. It was fascinating to gain insights into Jobs’ visionary thinking for Apple (and Pixar). In a particularly revealing section on the development of the iPod and iTunes, Isaacson
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At the end of December, we finished the second (and more or less final) draft of the Capacities for Effectiveness Self Assessment (CESA) tool for Bond. It has been a good process, starting from about February last year, with many
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