The PowerPoint presentation that accompanies the Learning in Partnerships facilitator manual and participant workbook is now available on SlideShare. Presentations for the other three organisational learning courses will be uploaded soon.
Back in 2008 and 2009 I was commissioned by Olivier Serrat of the Asian Development Bank’s Knowledge Management Unit to devise and facilitate four training courses on learning in organisations. The subjects were ‘Learning in Teams’, ‘Learning from Evaluation’, ‘Reflective
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A paper on Evaluation for Learning by a former Framework member, John Gray, gets some well-deserved prominence at USAID’s Learning Lab.
Back in April 2012 I facilitated a workshop in The Netherlands for a design team of nine enthusiastic staff from Member organisations of The Leprosy Mission Fellowship. Their task was to update the way the Fellowship Members carry out their
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The Manchester United manager may not be your idea of a model for NGO managers, but in the field of M&E his example can teach us a lot. Monitoring and Evaluation workshops clog up very fast with jargon
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This was something different! Going from the family support project (see previous post), to a room full of initially rather intimidating police men and women: black uniforms, high viz vests, belts bulging with what? Handcuffs? Radios? I wasn’t sure I
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It looks and sounds like a pre-school play group. But in fact, it is a well-disguised project to battle poverty and disadvantage in families in north Cambridge. When it started 18 years ago the Kings Hedges Family Support Project was
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Last week I attended a four-day course on domestic renewable energy technology. I am a member of the St Andrews Environment Network – a small community organisation that encourages people living in my locality to save energy and live more
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Both speakers at a recent event run by MDN (consultants working with voluntary sector organisations in the UK) emphasized the huge shift in the environment for non-profits in the UK. While they both started from the fact that the funding
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It’s been really interesting to spend a week with Article 19 in Kenya, facilitating a project management workshop for their Nairobi and Dakar staff along with their partner organisation IDPAC (Internal Displacement Policy and Advocacy Committee). We used the Internally
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