A lot of my consultancy work last year was around the theme of collaborative working, and it is a subject that is dear to my heart. The work took a different shape with each client – consortium facilitation; reviewing north-south
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If you’re interested in helping organisations to sharpen how they put their values into practice, there’s a new report out called To practice what we preach: A survey of organisational values in charities. Published by the Centre for Charity Effectiveness
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The county of Norfolk is aiming to be a fully restorative county within a few years. In January I delivered two trainings in Restorative Approaches for the Norfolk County Council. These were the first of what will be many series
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It’s been both enlightening and frustrating reading this book – the unlikely winner of the Financial Times/Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year award in 2011. The starting point is that policies to help the poor need to be based
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I have just finished reading Walter Isaacson’s incisive biography of Steve Jobs. It was fascinating to gain insights into Jobs’ visionary thinking for Apple (and Pixar). In a particularly revealing section on the development of the iPod and iTunes, Isaacson
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At the end of December, we finished the second (and more or less final) draft of the Capacities for Effectiveness Self Assessment (CESA) tool for Bond. It has been a good process, starting from about February last year, with many
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Just finishing an illuminating book that Gopal (FW core member) lent me at our last FW retreat, “Identity and Violence, the Illusion of Destiny” by Amartya Sen. The whole book is a great exploration on individual and group identity(s) and
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Framework will be facilitating a Consultancy Skills Development Programme for participants in Armenia from November 2011 to February 2012. The programme involves nine participants – six from Armenia Round Table (ART) and three from other NGOs – and comprises a
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This was the question posed in a talk recently in Cambridge by Helen Kersley, who is head of the New Economics Foundation’s “Valuing What Matters” Programme. The issue was about how to broaden policy-makers’ approach to value away from purely
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