Blog Posts by Bruce Britton
Back in April 2012 I facilitated a workshop in The Netherlands for a design team of nine enthusiastic staff from Member organisations of The Leprosy Mission Fellowship. Their task was to update the way the Fellowship Members carry out their
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It has been a busy Summer and the Autumn looks set to be busier still. I’m currently working with Oxfam Novib on their framework for Knowledge and Innovation Management and with The Leprosy Mission International on their system for Annual
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Last week I attended a four-day course on domestic renewable energy technology. I am a member of the St Andrews Environment Network – a small community organisation that encourages people living in my locality to save energy and live more
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Katherine Stoessel, a core member since 2008, has left Framework to concentrate on her restorative justice work through her company Beyond Conflict. As Katherine explained, “Of late my work has focused more and more in the area of restorative
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Thirteen organisations working on peace building gathered together in Yerevan, Armenia between 4-6 May 2012 at the invitation of the German organisation EED to get to know each other and strengthen networking. I had been asked by the hosts, YMCA
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A couple of weeks ago I was working in The Netherlands with members of The Leprosy Mission (TLM). The occasion was a four-day workshop focusing on annual country learning reviews and how to make them more effective. I had the
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I have just started as a ‘test-pilot’ for Edinburgh University’s exciting new online course entitled ‘Global Environmental Challenges’. Already I’m learning a lot about how to set up a small online community and make it vibrant (encourage people to connect
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I’m currently working with Oxfam Novib on their approach to innovation. It’s fascinating examining the overlaps and interconnections between innovation, knowledge management and organisational learning. As a result of the research I am doing, I’m clearer now that there are
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I have just finished reading Walter Isaacson’s incisive biography of Steve Jobs. It was fascinating to gain insights into Jobs’ visionary thinking for Apple (and Pixar). In a particularly revealing section on the development of the iPod and iTunes, Isaacson
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