We are a small collective of self-employed individuals who carry out consultancy, training, and coaching assignments with a wide range of civil society organisations. We are not a company employing staff, and each of us takes responsibility for our own income by generating our own individual work streams. To be a member of Framework currently involves working full-time as a consultant / facilitator / trainer.
Framework was established over 30 years ago to provide a mechanism for mutual support, professional development, joint working on larger assignments (we regularly tender for larger work projects) and joint marketing. The membership evolves over the years (thankfully!) but our common purpose, ethos and values still meet the same need that we all felt before joining Framework: a community of people who want to learn and share together.
We meet in person twice a year at residential ‘Retreats’ and meet twice a year online for ‘Development Days’. We also support each other with monthly peer supervision/professional development sessions; contact each other regularly for informal support; and work together on joint assignments.
More information is available in this case study describing how Framework works.
If you are interested in this way of working and you are currently working as an independent consultant (or are planning to do so based on at least ten years of voluntary sector experience) please use this form to tell us a little about yourself.